Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Congratulations to Spidertrax, Inc.

Congratulations to Spidertrax, Inc. on their recent purchase of an 8,000 s.f. warehouse building located at 174 12th Street SE in Loveland.  In a deal brokered by Nathan Klein of Loveland Commercial, LLC; Spidertrax will be expanding and relocating its operations from Longmont to Loveland upon completion of interior and exterior improvements to the property.  The building is located on 0.53 acres and sold on July 2, 2012 for $455,000. 

Started in 1999 by Thomas Kingston and Heriberto “Eddie” Casanueva, Spidertrax designs and manufactures parts used in construction and conversion of rockcrawling and rock racing vehicles and 4x4’s.  For more information on Spidertrax, please visit their website at www.spidertrax.com.

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